Jess Nguyen just graduated from university and bought a $525,000 townhouse in Melbourne.
Her mother is a single mother and has to raise 5 children. Her mother taught her how to save money from a very young age.
Despite a modest 5-figure salary for a young civil engineer who just graduated, she is managing to save between $2,500 and $3,000 per month.

“From an early age, I was aware that my mother had to work hard and could not afford to buy everything we wanted.” Jess chia sẻ.
She sets small goals like saving money to buy a phone… to bigger goals like braces, buying a car. And the goals she accomplished well.
She learned to save money by limiting junk food and coffee. Sometimes, when going out with friends, she won't drink with others to save money.
In March of this year, her strict frugal regime paid off: she bought a two-bedroom, two-bathroom townhouse in St Albans, northwest Melbourne.

Jess had to make an initial 10% deposit, but was reduced to 5% by the owner.
In March, she paid $25,000 for the townhouse.
Most of the homes in the St Albans development are completed construction.
Jess's next goal is to be able to save another $90,000 for the next 6 months.
Jess lives with her mother and another sibling, and splits the bills.
Jess said: "I've always been careful with money."
“First, I budget how much I spent on essentials, food, skin care.”
“Obviously I have some money on my side, I'm not too hard on myself. I know what I spend.”

Before deciding to become a host, Jess said: “Back then if I wanted something I would get it, I think about it. A little more self-conscious.”
Jess said part of her initial deposit came from college savings when she worked as a waitress for $18 to $20 an hour.
“I try not to keep too much money on me to spend. I deposited money in my savings account”
“My advice to everyone is to set small goals first and work towards them. Small accumulation will become great”
“Setting goals can feel really motivating and give you confidence that you can achieve anything you want. You also have to learn to distinguish between what is necessary and what you do not need.”
To buy a house early, you need to have a clear savings plan and try to keep a stable job and income. Then you will soon own a house like Jess.
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